
Dengue outbreak reported in Rohingya camp Dengue
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Dengue outbreak reported in Rohingya camp

Bangladesh Live News | @banglalivenews | 14 Jul 2023, 01:25 pm

Dhaka, July 14: Dengue infection is increasing in the Rohingya camps of Ukhia-Teknaf in Cox's Bazar. It is spreading in the district headquarter and upazila. From January to July 11 this year, 2,134 people were infected with dengue in Cox's Bazar. Among them, the population of Rohingya is 1,958 people. As a percentage, about 92 percent of the total infected so far.

Four Rohingyas have died due to dengue in these six months. However, Cox's Bazar Civil Surgeon's Office claims that the dengue outbreak is lower than last year.

According to the information of the Civil Surgeon's office, from January to July 11 this year, two thousand and seven dengue patients were detected in the Rohingya camps of Ukhia and Teknaf. Among them, 1,905 Rohingyas and 102 local residents near the camp. Apart from this, 127 dengue patients are found in eight health centers including Cox's Bazar Sadar Hospital. Among them, 74 are local and 53 are Rohingyas. Overcrowding and unsanitary conditions have increased mosquito infestation. In this situation, it is difficult to escape from dengue in the camp.

Four people have died in the last six months with the latest death being one on June 23. All of them are Rohingya. 57 percent of the affected are men and 43 percent are women. It found 6 percent between 0-5 years, 21 percent between 6-18 years, 61 percent between 19-40 years, 11 percent between 41-60 years and 1 percent above 60 years.

Civil Surgeon Office statistician Pankaj Pal said that the number of dengue cases this year can be said to be lower than last year. In 2022, a total of 19,231 people were infected with dengue in Cox's Bazar. Out of which 15,636 were Rohingya and 3,585 were locals. Last year, 39 people died due to dengue. Out of which 26 Rohingyas and 13 locals.

In this situation, there is a need to review for two more months, he said, taking the statistics of these two months will understand the direction of the dengue situation in the district.

According to the DGHS, the incidence of dengue usually increases in June-July and decreases in October. However, compared to last year, the outbreak of dengue has occurred much earlier this year.

The health department says that the health department and cleaning workers are active in the Rohingya camps to reduce dengue infection. However, according to the Rohingyas, overcrowding and unsanitary conditions have increased mosquito infestation. In this situation, it is difficult to escape from dengue in the camp.