
PM urges not to listen to rumors about prices of daily commodities Sheikh Hasina
Photo: PID

PM urges not to listen to rumors about prices of daily commodities

Bangladesh Live News | @banglalivenews | 29 Feb 2024, 11:07 am

Dhaka, Feb 29: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has urged the people of the country not to listen to any kind of rumors about the prices of daily commodities.

She said, "I request everyone not to listen to rumours. Don't listen to rumours, everyone be aware. Then no one can create problems by spreading rumours."

On Wednesday (February 28), the parliament leader said this in response to a supplementary question by Ali Azam, a ruling party member of parliament from Bhola-2 constituency, in the question and answer session of the Jatiya Sangsad. It is said in the question, while the price of daily commodities is within the purchasing power of people in other times of the year, there is an exception in Ramadan. At this time, some businessmen who want extra profit made futile efforts to create artificial crisis in the market by unethically stocking food products. In this context, will any action be taken regarding the rumors of the profitable syndicate and especially the BNP-Jamaat to keep the commodity prices in relief?

In response, the Prime Minister said, "I have informed in advance what to do to prevent stockpiling of products. We are aware enough to prevent unscrupulous traders from playing with people's food. At the same time, we have to import many products. In that case we are interdependent. We want to overcome this dependency. Want to increase their production."

To a supplementary question by Jatiya Party MP Mujibul Haque Chunnu, Sheikh Hasina said that the government has taken various steps to control commodity prices. But some unscrupulous traders always want to take chances. Their intentions are not always successful. Strict action needs to be taken against these unscrupulous traders. If not, peace will not come to people.

Replying to Chunnu's question whether the government will take any steps to bring unscrupulous traders under the law with strict monitoring, the prime minister said, "We take legal measures including running mobile courts. However, strict action will be taken against anyone who intentionally increases the price of goods."