
Those who do not see development are intellectually disabled: Prime Minister Intellectual Disability
PID Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

Those who do not see development are intellectually disabled: Prime Minister

Bangladesh Live News | @banglalivenews | 24 Dec 2022, 12:16 am

Dhaka, December 24: Awami League President and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has commented that intellectuals who do not see the development of the country are 'disabled intellectuals'. She said, "Those who have eyes will see development. Some intellectuals with disabilities do not see any development. Those who do not see development are intellectuals with disabilities. They want to remove the Awami League government by any means. They are disappointed if the country runs on democratic lines."

The Prime Minister said that some intellectuals with disabilities in the country are ironing clothes for the undemocratic government system. Because their value increases when undemocratic government comes. However, removing the elected government and bringing an unelected person to power will not do the country any good.

She said this in his welcome address at the beginning of the meeting of the party's Executive Council at Ganobhaban on Thursday (December 22) evening.

Sheikh Hasina said that when Awami League came to power, people's living standards improved. The Awami League government considers itself a servant of the people. The rule of BNP-Jamaat was a period of militancy and terror. Corruption was the policy during BNP. Another dark chapter started in the country due to militancy, terrorist looting. BNP's political continuity was undemocratic, illegal.

She said, BNP was born from the general's pocket. They were not born from the soil and people of the country. They always play with people's right to vote. In 2001 and 2006 each time they played with the right to vote. The 2001 election was also a deep conspiracy. Awami League got people's votes. But could not sit in power.

The Prime Minister said that no one had any complaints about the elections in 2008. At that time, even though all the favorites of BNP are in power, the party that gets 31 seats, that party will come to power by popular vote - how do the leaders of BNP think this?'

She also said that the leaders of the party who were punished for money laundering abroad, were punished for grenade attacks, they are talking about money laundering again. Leaders of a party convicted in a grenade attack, involved in ten truckloads of arms smuggling, money laundering, how do they dream that the party will come to power by popular vote.